According to the Gestapo terminology, “missing” referred to those Jews registered in Frankfurt in 1942 who went “underground” after the date of their deportation was announced. The majority who escaped the Gestapo in 1942 were women: Maria Fulda, a sculptress, Dr. Antonie Sandels, a pediatrician, Elisabeth Neumann, a nurse, a group of two women from Berlin along with their three children who stayed temporarily in Frankfurt and escaped to Straßburg. Dina Sonn remained hidden until 1944, as did the couple Hanna and Sally Goldschmidt who only managed to escape at the beginning of 1943. There are very few file cards in the archives, which refer to those who escaped from Frankfurt. It has only come to light in the past few years, that there was a large number of unrecorded cases of people who went “underground”.